Model NO: TD-88
High table -Dual DC motor

Model NO: TD88A
Open body-Dual Motor

Model NO: TD88-AL
Low table-Dual DC motors

Model NO: TD-88Q

Model NO: XT-8022
Adjustable Height- High Table

Model NO: XT-8030P
High Table-AC motor

Model NO: XT-8020
High table-AC Motor

Model NO: XT-8021
Low table-AC motor

Model NO: XT-8021
Low table with 4 legs

Model NO: WK31-08C1

Model NO: WK35-08C1

Model NO: Q80KS
Automatic strapping machine
High speed: 50 strap/M
German Dunker DC motor
High speed: 50 strap/M
German Dunker DC motor

Model NO: Q8
Automatic Strapping Machine
Medium speed: 30-35 straps/M
China VTV DC motor
Medium speed: 30-35 straps/M
China VTV DC motor

Model NO: Q8-4032
Mini Arch automatic strapping machine
Speed: 35-40 straps/M
China VTV DC motor
Speed: 35-40 straps/M
China VTV DC motor

Model NO: Q8-C
Automatic strapping machine
PLC+Touch screen
PLC+Touch screen

Model NO: Q8-22060
Automatic strapping machine
Big arch with arch motor
China VTV DC motor
Big arch with arch motor
China VTV DC motor

Model NO: Q8L
Automatic strapping machine
Low table
China VTV DC motor
Low table
China VTV DC motor

Model NO: Q8P
Automatic strapping machine
with top press
China VTV DC motor
with top press
China VTV DC motor

Model NO: Q8KH
automatic strapping machine
Horizontal model
China VTV DC motor
Horizontal model
China VTV DC motor

Model NO: Q8G
Automatic Strapping Machine
Pipe/tube strapping machine
China VTV DC motor
Pipe/tube strapping machine
China VTV DC motor

Model NO: Q8Y
Side arch

Model NO: Q8N
Ceramic/Tile strapping

Model NO: Q8L-P
Low table with top press

Model NO: Q8K-R
Ring type Product Strapping

Model NO: Q80U
MVS11015 Strapping Machine

Model NO: Q8-S
Automatic strapping machine
Aluminum roller table
China VTV DC motor
Aluminum roller table
China VTV DC motor

Model NO: Q8-T
Automatic strapping machine
Steel roller table
China VTV DC motor
Steel roller table
China VTV DC motor

Model NO: Q8S-M2
Automatic strapping machine
2 Blets conveyor table
German servo motor
2 Blets conveyor table
German servo motor

Model NO: Q8AP
Automatic strapping machine
with aluminum roller table
with top press
with aluminum roller table
with top press

Model NO: Q8L-A
Roller conveyor low table
China VTV DC motor
China VTV DC motor

Model NO: Q8S-M2P
Fully automatic strapping machine
belt table with top press
belt table with top press

Model NO: Q8VC2-T
Fully automatic strapping machine
Steel roller table with PLC
Steel roller table with PLC

Model NO: Q8LSC-M2
Low belt table

Model NO: Q8Y-T
Aide arch with roller table

Model NO: Q80SC-AD
Double Dispenser

Model NO: Q80L-TT
Double Arch Low Table

Model NO: Q8S3C-M2D
Belt table automatic strapping machine

Model NO: A-72HE
Horizontal Strapping

Model NO: A-72AO
Automatic Pallet Strapping

Model NO: WK06-50C1TP-7045
OPP film banding machine

Model NO: WK32-30BP-1035
High tension & With top press

Model NO: WK02-30AD

Model NO: Q80SC-APJ
Squaring Automatic Strapping Machine

Model NO: XT-SQ-02D

Model NO: Q80AP+XT-SQ01
Roller Table with Top Press +Squaring

Model NO: XT-HSD-02
Dual heads automatic strapping machine

Model NO: Q80AP+XT-SQ01+Palletizer
Roller Table with Top Press +Squaring+Palletizer

Model NO: XT-HSD-02+ESTUN ER180
High speed dual head+Robotic Palletizer

Model NO: DD-160
Battery strapping machine
12-16 mmPP and PET plastic strapping
12-16 mmPP and PET plastic strapping

Model: DD-160T
Lithium battery strapping machine
Portable strapping tool 12-16mm
Portable strapping tool 12-16mm

Model NO: DD-190T
Lithium battery strapping machine
16-19MM PP/PET strapping
16-19MM PP/PET strapping

Model NO:DD160U
Economical battery strapping machine
12-16mm PP/PET strapping
12-16mm PP/PET strapping

Model NO: RJ-250
Pneumatic sealing machine
12-19 mmPP and PET plastic strapping
12-19 mmPP and PET plastic strapping

Model: AQD-19
Pneumatic strapping machine
Portable strapping tool 12-19mm
Portable strapping tool 12-19mm

Model NO: XW-50
Pneumatic strapping tensioner
30-50mm Cord strapping
30-50mm Cord strapping

Model NO:GZA-32
Pneumatic strapping machine
32mm Steel strapping
32mm Steel strapping

Model NO: GZD-19
Pneumatic sealing machine
16-19mm steel strapping
16-19mm steel strapping

Model NO: GSC-32
Pneumatic strapping tensioner
32mm Steel strapping
32mm Steel strapping

Model NO: DYA-32
Pneumatic strapping sealer
32mm steel strapping
32mm steel strapping

Model NO: P301
3 in 1 combinationl strapping tool
13mm or 16 mm PP & PET
13mm or 16 mm PP & PET

Model NO: B330
Strapping tensioner
12-19mm PP/PET strapping
12-19mm PP/PET strapping

Model NO: B314
Strapping tensioner
12-19mm Cord strapping
12-19mm Cord strapping

Model NO: C401
Strapping sealer
13mm or 16mm or 19mm PP/PET strapping
13mm or 16mm or 19mm PP/PET strapping

Model NO: SD500
Manual strapping tensioner
25-50mm cord strapping
25-50mm cord strapping

Model NO: PET406
PET strapping dispenser
Core: 406mm
Core: 406mm

Model NO: P200
PP strapping dispenser

Model NO: A333
Buckless strapping machine
13-19mm Steel strapping
13-19mm Steel strapping

Model NO: SKL-32A
Strapping tensioner
32mm Steel strapping
32mm Steel strapping

Model NO: SKS-32
Strapping Sealer
32mm Steel strapping
32mm Steel strapping

Model NO: GJ32
Strapping cutter
32mm Steel strapping
32mm Steel strapping

Model NO: S191
Steel strapping dispenser
19mm Steel strapping
19mm Steel strapping